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Monastic Brews: The Medieval Monasteries' Legacy in Brewing

Aug 23, 2023

2 min read




Throughout our exploration of beer's storied past, we've encountered various cultures and their unique brewing traditions. Yet, one of the most influential periods in beer history hails from the quiet corridors of medieval monasteries. Let's step back in time and uncover the rich legacy of monastic brews.

In the Middle Ages, monasteries became unexpected brewing hubs. With vast lands ideal for cultivating grains and hops, and a need for self-sufficiency, many monasteries took up brewing. But it wasn't just about sustenance; it was a spiritual endeavour. Monks believed in 'ora et labora' – pray and work. Brewing was seen as a form of meditation, a way to serve both God and community.

One of the most renowned monastic brews is the Trappist ale. Originating from the Cistercian monasteries, these ales are known for their rich flavours and high alcohol content. Even today, only a few monasteries have the right to label their beers as 'Trappist', a testament to the rigorous standards and traditions they uphold.

But what made these monastic brews so special? For one, the monks were meticulous brewers. They documented their recipes, experimented with ingredients, and refined their techniques over centuries. They also introduced innovations, such as the use of hops for preservation and flavour. This meticulous approach resulted in beers of exceptional quality, sought after by both nobility and common folk.

Beyond the brew, monasteries also played a role in beer commerce. They established 'beer rights', allowing them to sell beer to the public. Many monasteries even operated taverns, with profits supporting their religious and charitable endeavours.

Today, while the number of monastic breweries has dwindled, their legacy lives on. Modern breweries often pay homage to these monastic traditions, crafting beers inspired by age-old recipes. Some monasteries, like the Trappist breweries, continue to brew, preserving a tradition that has lasted for centuries.

As we sip on a cold brew, let's raise our glasses to the medieval monks, the unsung heroes of brewing history. Their dedication, innovation, and passion have left an indelible mark on the world of beer, reminding us that brewing is as much an art as it is a science.

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